Wednesday, December 5, 2007

poster: concept na visualisation

Poster is a medium of advertising or publicity. Therefore it had to be on the lines on which the museum is designed. That is like the display the poster also had to be dynamic and living, such that it is able to convey and converse on its own.

I choose to make the poster for the Museum of Performing Arts, Kerala. To make to poster dynamic the image had to be really strong. The imakge in a way should convey the display of the museum, as to what to expect out of the museum.
The image shows a man applying makeup on his face for a performance, which is a very important part and even the starting of any performance.
Hence in a way the image conveys what the museum is about, its not static but dynamic and living .

The poster should convey the what and how without being too explicit so as to retain the mystery of the museum.

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